In October 2020, Governor Newsom made time to sign two Executive Orders that take aim at reducing greenhouse gas emissions and sequestering carbon from the atmosphere.  The first is an innovative strategy that will use California land to sequester carbon and boost climate resilience as well as conserve biodiversity. The second is a bold plan to ban the sale of internal combustion engines (ICE) in the state by 2035. Vehicles with ICE contribute more than 40% of the State’s GHG emissions.


On October 7, 2020, Governor Newsom signed an Executive Order that enlists California’s vast network of natural and working lands to store and remove carbon from the atmosphere. California becomes first state in the nation to pledge to conserve 30 percent of land and coastal water by 2030, joining 38 countries in commitment to conservation. The order directs state agencies to deploy several strategies to store carbon in the state’s natural and working lands and remove it from the atmosphere. The order also sets a first-in-the-nation goal to conserve 30 percent of the state’s land and coastal water by 2030 to fight species loss and ecosystem destruction. Specifically, state agencies are directed to pursue innovative actions, strategies, and partnerships to maximize the full climate benefits of our natural and working land, through: 1) Healthy soils management, including planting cover crops, hedgerows, and compost applications; 2)Wetlands restoration to protect coastal areas; 3) Active forest management to reduce catastrophic risk and restore forest health; and 4) Boosting green infrastructure in urban areas like trees and parks. More details can be found here.



Citing the urgency of climate change, California Gov. Gavin Newsom issued Executive Order N-79-20 on Sept. 23, 2020, to dramatically reduce greenhouse gas emissions and “more quickly move toward our low-carbon, sustainable and resilient future.” The Order sets 2035 for a 100 percent ban on the sale of internal combustion engines for passenger cars and pickup trucks within California, with later target dates for similar bans on the sale of internal combustion engine medium- and heavy-duty trucks, and off-road vehicles and equipment. Used internal combustion engine vehicles may still be sold. The Order supports “zero-emissions technologies” such as electric vehicles, and accelerated deployment of affordable fueling and charging options for zero-emission vehicles, particularly in low-income and disadvantaged communities. The Order next focuses on fossil fuel extraction and refining activities in the state, directing that no hydraulic fracturing permits be issued after 2024 and that state agencies “expedite regulatory processes to repurpose and transition upstream and downstream oil production facilities,” and also “manage and expedite the responsible closure and remediation of former oil extraction sites. The Order concludes with a deadline of Dec. 31, 2020, for the state’s primary oil and gas regulatory agency to propose a “significantly strengthened, stringent, science-based health and safety rule” to protect communities and workers from “the impacts of oil extraction activities.” The full Executive Order can be found here.


By Linda Giannelli Pratt