Members of the STAY COOL Advisory Council recently traveled to Riverside to testify at the final public hearing of the California Air Resources Board (CARB), where the Board decided on 2035 Greenhouse Gas (GHG) reduction targets for each of the 18 metropolitan areas in California.

STAY COOL was one of several organizations that submitted letters to CARB advocating for higher GHG reduction targets for the San Diego region than either SANDAG or the CARB staff were recommending.  STAY COOL also offered specific recommendations for ways that our region could achieve greater reductions.  Click here to download a PDF of the letter we submitted: STAY COOL – Letter ref CARB SB 375 Targets – 3-19-18.

Bob Leiter and Linda Pratt testified at the hearing along with nearly 30 other speakers from the San Diego region who supported higher targets.  While the CARB Board accepted the recommendations of their staff regarding the numerical targets, STAY COOL and other organizations were successful in making them aware of the elevated level of support in the San Diego region for aggressive climate plans and actions at the state, regional and local levels.  We will keep our members informed on future opportunities to weigh in on these important issues.