In November 2021, STAY COOL issued a Call to Action regarding updates under consideration by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) to solar Net Energy Metering (NEM). There are multiple proposals to change the current rules. One proposal, from investor-owned utilities (IOUs), is raising concern among proponents of rooftop solar who fear that the changes would make small-scale and rooftop solar significantly more expensive.

The NEM rulemaking proceeding at the CPUC was scheduled for January 27, 2022. The next possible date for a CPUC decision would be either February 10th or 24th.

For those who want a more in-depth understanding of net energy metering, the article from the Davis Vanguard may be helpful.

If you are concerned that the IOU-backed proposal under consideration will affect you and the expansion of solar energy in CA, I would urge you to read the background of the rule and the public comments made to date.

The Save CA Solar Campaign has a call to action. If you are interested in making a formal comment to the CPUC, the Proceeding Number is R2008020.  You can add a public comment here.

By Linda Giannelli Pratt

Image credit: The San Diego Union Tribune