Our next STAY COOL member event will be held on Wednesday, April 17, 2019, 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm at the Engel Home: 701 Hoska Drive, Del Mar CA 92014.

Dr. Jennifer Smith, an Associate Professor in the Center for Marine Biodiversity and Conservation at UCSD-Scripps Institution of Oceanography, will be STAY COOL’s next guest speaker.  Please join us on Wednesday April 17 to learn about how researchers are studying and using research to protect coral reef and intertidal zone marine communities for future generations.

Dr. Smith is recognized world-wide for her research on coral reef and shoreline tide pool ecosystems.  Her laboratory focuses on understanding how humans impact marine ecosystems and developing strategies for saving these ecosystems for future generations.  In addition to her extensive research on coral reefs around the world, Jennifer was recently awarded a grant from the California Ocean Protection Council to create 3D models of the intertidal zones off the California coast. The data obtained will be used to project how sea level rise, ocean warming and acidification and other consequences of climate change will affect these unique ecosystems. 

Light appetizers will be provided, along with soft drinks and wine. The event begins with networking and our guest speaker will begin her presentation at 6 pm with time for Q&A afterwards. To RSVP for this event, please email staycool@roadrunner.com.