Dennis Griffin is a grandfather who is concerned about climate change and protecting future generations. He is active with several local climate change action organizations. Dennis spent years as a proactive manager in the facilities management field, where he oversaw complex facilities relocation, upgrades, and build-outs. Dennis holds degrees from the University of Michigan (BSE) and National IMG_4037University (MBA).

STAY COOL recently asked Dennis about his insights on climate action:

Q: Why did you first get involved with environmental/climate change issues?
A: I originally went to college to study meteorology and oceanography but got distracted by the excitement of the aerospace industry and changed majors. About 10 years ago I became aware of the magnitude of the problem of climate change, after reading the book “The Long Emergency” by James Howard Kunstler. Although the book is more social commentary than science, it was the catalyst for me to do more investigation into climate change.

Q: What motivated you to become a “take action” participant versus someone on the sidelines?
A: Once I realized that our policy makers were doing very little to address this critical issue, I knew that individuals had to take action.

Q: When it comes to climate change consequences, what are you most concerned about?
A: My biggest concerns are that as a society, we have waited too long to take significant action and our actions continue to be too slow to make the necessary changes.

Q: Tell us about some of the personal actions you’ve taken to reduce your own carbon footprint or advocate for meaningful climate action.
A: I am “walking the talk.” We put solar on our home almost six years ago. Almost five years ago we replaced a gas guzzler with a Chevy Volt. Hopefully we will soon be driving an all electric Tesla Model X. (I have been a reservation holder for two years and am currently waiting for my vehicle to be produced.)

I have offered to pay to have solar installed on my kid’s homes, (If and when my kids can afford homes as they both live in the Bay Area) In the interim, as renters, my daughter buys her power from Marin Clean Energy and my son buys his power from Arcadia Power. Both companies are clean energy providers offering a higher percentage of clean energy than the local utilities. I’ve also influenced several friends to install solar on their homes.

Q: What do you hope for STAY COOL to accomplish in the coming year? How do you plan to guide the organization as our newest Advisor?
A: Action is critical and people need to be realistically educated on the significance and consequences of abrupt climate change. The urgency with which we need to take action cannot be overstated. As Admiral Herring recently said to us, “We need to be having the adult conversation.” And somehow we need to involve our influential media in the conversation on a consistent basis. STAY COOL’s focus on grandkids gives these innocents a voice and motivates us as grandparents to do everything we can to leave them with a healthy environment.

Note: Dennis contributed to the STAY COOL blog earlier this year, read the article here.